Indiana Association for Nursing Professional Development

IANPD Officer Election

Posted about 3 years ago by Michelle Rusie

We only had one nomination for the Secretary/Treasurer position. If you are an active Indiana Association for Nursing Professional Development (IANPD) member, please place your vote at the link or with the QR code below by January 7th


Hilary Brown, MSN-ED, RN, NPD-BC

I am seeking to serve as the Secretary/Treasurer for IANPD 2022

I am a Nursing Professional Development (NPD) Practitioner at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health in Indianapolis. I have been a nurse for 13 years. Since coming to Riley, I have found my true calling in nursing professional development and leadership.  I am very passionate about mentoring and developing nurses in every role.

It was an honor serving as the 2021 IANPD President. 

Thank you for the opportunity to apply and to serve for IANPD again!

Please vote using the link below:

IANPD Officer Ballot


Voting results will be posted on Nursing Network on January 10th